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Tropical Fish Names

Updated: June 24, 2024
Names Reason
Amberjack This fish is known for its amber color and elongated body
Angelfish Due to their grace and variety of bright colors
Anthias Their bright pink and orange colors are distinctive
Archer These are known to spit water to knock down insects on leaves
Arowana These are known for their slender bodies and large scales
Barracuda Known for their large size and fearsome appearance
Batfish Their flat, disc-like bodies give them their name
Beluga This white fish is named after the beluga whale
Betta They stand out due to their vibrant colors and long, flowing fins
Bichir These are known for their elongated bodies and dinosaur-like appearance
Blenny Their small size and elongated bodies are distinctive
Boxfish Their box-like shape gives them their name
Butterflyfish Named for their wing-like fins and often vibrant colors
Cardinalfish Known for their vibrant red coloration
Catfish Their cat-like whiskers give them their name
Characin This fish is known for its vibrant colors and elongated body
Cherub A small fish known for its angelic appearance
Chromis Their bright blue coloration is eye-catching
Cichlid These are popular for their diverse colors, shapes, and behaviors
Clownfish Their orange, black and white stripes are immediately recognizable
Corydoras Often found in freshwater habitats, they're known for their armored skin
Damsel Popular due to their hardiness and bright colors
Danio These are known for their lively nature and striped bodies
Dartfish This tropical fish is known for its darting movements
Discus Named after their disc-shaped bodies and are known for their bright colors
Dogfish Their dog-like hunting behavior gives them their name
Dottyback This brightly colored fish has a distinctive pattern
Eel Recognized by their long, thin bodies, they inhabit both saltwater and freshwater environments
Elephantnose Their long, trunk-like noses give them their name
Ember This fish has a fiery orange color
Emperor These are popular for their beautiful coloration and peaceful nature
Fairy These are appreciated for their graceful movements and vibrant colors
Fangtooth This fish has large, fang-like teeth
Filefish Their rough, file-like skin gives them their name
Fireback They are named for their bright red coloring on their back
Firefish Their fiery red and yellow colors make them a favorite among aquarists
Flounder Their flat bodies and both eyes on one side are distinctive
Frogfish Their frog-like appearance and behavior give them their name
Glassfish These fish are known for their translucent bodies
Goatfish Their goat-like whiskers give them their name
Goby Their small size and variety of colors make them popular
Gourami Known for their unique labyrinth organ that allows them to breathe air
Grunt Their grunting noises when caught give them their name
Grunter They are known for the grunting sound they produce
Gudgeon This fish is known for its small size and vibrant colors
Guppy Known for their hardiness and small size
Hamlet Their small size and variety of colors make them popular
Haplochromis These are known for their active behavior and bright colors
Hatchetfish They get their name from their distinct hatchet-shaped bodies
Hawkbill They are named for their beak-like mouth
Hawkfish Their hawk-like hunting behavior gives them their name
Herald This fish is known for its bright colors and pointed snout
Hogfish Their pig-like snouts give them their name
Humuhumu Native to Hawaii, this fish is unique for its vibrant coloration
Iguana These fish are named for their lizard-like appearance
Inkhorn This fish is known for secreting a dark ink when threatened
Iridescent These fish are popular due to their shimmering scales that reflect light
Ivory This fish is named for its pale, ivory-like color
Jackknife These are known for their unique shape and silver color
Jawfish Known for their large mouths and burrowing behavior
Jellybean These are known for their small size and variety of colors
Jester This fish is known for its vibrant, multicolored appearance
Jewel This fish is known for its bright, jewel-like colors
Killifish These fish are appreciated for their impressive range of bright colors
Knifefish This fish is named for its long, thin body
Koi These are known for their large size and vibrant color patterns
Kribensis This fish is known for its colorful and distinct patterns
Lantern This fish can produce light in the dark
Leaffish This fish is named for its leaf-like appearance
Leporinus These are known for their striped bodies and active nature
Lionfish Famous for their venomous spines and unique appearance
Loach These bottom dwellers are known for their whisker-like barbels
Mandarin Famous for their bright, intricate coloration
Mimic This fish is known to mimic the color and patterns of other species
Molly These are popular because of their easy care and variety of colors
Mono These fish are known for their unique shape and silver color
Moonlight This fish has a gentle glow, similar to moonlight
Mullet Known for their large size and commercial value
Needlefish Their long, needle-like jaws give them their name
Neon These small, brightly colored fish are a favorite among beginners
Nightingale This fish is named for its melodious sound
Noodle This elongated fish resembles a noodle
Noodlefish These are known for their slim, elongated bodies
Opah These are known for their large size and vibrant coloration
Opaline This fish is known for its opalescent sheen
Orangetip The tips of this fish's fins are a bright orange
Oscar These are known for their intelligence and ability to recognize their owners
Parrotfish Famous for their vibrant, multi-colored scales
Peacock Known for its bright, multicolored scales, similar to the bird
Pearlspot Named for the pearl-like spots on its body
Pike These are known for their elongated bodies and aggressive nature
Platy These fish are popular for their hardiness and wide range of colors
Porcupinefish Famous for their spiny bodies and ability to inflate
Pufferfish Famous for their ability to inflate themselves
Queen These are appreciated for their beautiful colors and regal appearance
Queenfish This fish is known for its large size and regal appearance
Quicksilver This silver fish is known for its quick movements
Quillback Named for their sharp, quill-like dorsal fins
Rabbitfish Their long, rabbit-like faces give them their name
Rainbow These are named for their vibrant, rainbow-like colors
Rasbora These schooling fish are known for their peaceful nature
Ray Their flat bodies and long tails are distinctive
Ribbon This fish is named for its long, ribbon-like fins
Rockfish This fish is known for its ability to camouflage with rocks
Scat These are known for their unique shape and ability to adapt to various water conditions
Seahorse Distinct for their unusual equine shape
Serpent This elongated fish resembles a serpent
Snapper This fish is known for its snapping jaws
Squirrelfish Known for their large eyes and red coloration
Surgeonfish Their sharp, scalpel-like spines give them their name
Sweetlips Their thick lips give them their name
Swordtail These are easily identifiable by the long, sword-like extension on their tail
Tailspot This fish is known for the distinctive spot on its tail
Tang They are known for their vibrant blue and yellow colors
Tetra These small schooling fish are popular for their bright colors
Tiger These are named for their striped bodies
Tilefish Known for their bright colors and commercial value
Toadfish Their toad-like appearance gives them their name
Triggerfish Their unique fin mechanisms give them their name
Trumpetfish Their long, trumpet-like bodies give them their name
Tuxedo This fish has a black and white pattern, resembling a tuxedo
Uaru These are known for their unique shape and peaceful nature
Umbrella This fish is named for its large, umbrella-like fins
Unicorn Named for a horn-like appendage on its head
Unicornfish Their horn-like appendages give them their name
Upstream These are known for their ability to swim against the current
Vampire These fish are named for their sharp, fang-like teeth
Velvet This fish's scales have a velvety appearance
Venus These fish are named after the Venus Flytrap due to their similar feeding style
Viper This fish is named for its fang-like teeth
Viperfish Their long, needle-like teeth and bioluminescence are distinctive
Warty This fish is known for its warty skin
Wavy This fish is known for its wavy-patterned scales
Whiptail Their long, whip-like tails give them their name
Whisker These are named for their distinct, whisker-like barbels
Wolf These are known for their aggressive nature and large size
Wrasse Known for their brilliant colors and patterns
X-ray Their semi-transparent bodies give them their name
Xenon This fish has a luminous glow, similar to xenon lights
Xenotilapia These are known for their peaceful nature and unique color patterns
Xingu Named after the Xingu River where it's found
Yellowfin Named for its bright yellow fins
Yellowtail Their vibrant yellow tails are distinctive
Yoga This flexible fish can contort its body into various shapes
Yoyo These are named for the yoyo-like patterns on their bodies
Zander These are known for their long, slender bodies and predatory nature
Zebra Their black and white striped bodies give them their name
Zebroid This fish has a striped pattern similar to a zebra
Zigzag This fish is known for its zigzag swimming pattern
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Rare Tropical Fish

This category can include uncommon or hard-to-find tropical fish species, offering a unique appeal for collectors and enthusiasts.
Name Description
Antennarius These are rarely seen due to their excellent camouflage skills
Borbonius Their high demand and limited supply make them a rare find
Chelmon Their specific dietary needs make them a rare sight in home aquariums
Cherub Limited availability due to their specific care requirements
Cirrhilabrus Their rarity results from their specific habitat needs and low survival rate
Crosshatch Their stunning pattern is highly sought-after but they are rarely available in the trade
Debelius Limited availability due to their nocturnal nature and specific habitat requirements
Eibli Hard to find due to their preference for specific environmental conditions
Flameback These species are infrequently seen in the pet trade due to their aggressive nature
Forcipiger They are infrequently spotted due to their elusive nature
Gemmatum These are rarely available due to their slow growth rate and high demand
Gramma They are rarely available due to their slow growth rate and high demand
Holacanthus Their large size and aggressive nature make them a rare addition to home aquariums
Interruptus These are difficult to find because of their deep-water habitats
Kauderni Hard to find due to their specific feeding requirements
Leiognathus They are not often kept due to their specific feeding requirements
Mandarinfish They are renowned for their vibrant coloration and rarity due to their specific diet
Mccoskeri They are rarely found due to their preference for specific environmental conditions
Mombasa Their rarity is attributed to their specific requirements for care
Nemateleotris Their rarity is attributed to their specific requirements for care
Peppermint Their rarity is due to their unique requirement for a specific type of food
Pinnatus These are rarely seen in the pet trade due to their extremely specific care needs
Rhinochilus Their unique shape and rarity make them a prized addition for collectors
Vlamingii Largely uncommon because of their large size which makes them unsuitable for most home aquariums
Zoster Their rarity results from their specific habitat needs and low survival rate

Colorful Tropical Fish

This category can include tropical fish species known for their vibrant and diverse colors, like discus fish, mandarin fish, and rainbowfish.
Name Description
Angelfish A popular choice due to their wide variety of patterns and colors
Anthias Their intense pinks and oranges are truly spectacular
Betta Known for its vivid colors and flowing fins
Blenny Their bright spots and stripes are a joy to watch
Boxfish Their vibrant colors make them an interesting choice for hobbyists
Butterflyfish Renowned for their complex, colorful patterns
Cardinalfish Their rich red color is a stunning addition to any aquarium
Chromis Their metallic blues and greens are striking
Clownfish Their iconic orange and white stripes are instantly recognizable
Damsel Their small size doesn't stop them from displaying a variety of bright colors
Discus They come in a rainbow of colors and patterns
Firefish Their fiery colors make them a standout in any tank
Gobies Their colorful markings make them a popular choice
Guppy Famous for their bright, iridescent colors
Hawkfish Their vivid reds and oranges make them a favorite among hobbyists
Lionfish Their warm, bold stripes make them a captivating sight
Mandarinfish Famous for their vibrant blue and orange pattern
Parrotfish Their bright, varied colors are reminiscent of their namesake
Pufferfish Their cute appearance is enhanced by their variety of colors
Rabbitfish Their golden hues and interesting patterns make them a favorite
Scorpionfish Their bright, bold colors make them a captivating sight
Surgeonfish Their striking blues and yellows are a sight to behold
Tang Their bright blue color makes them a standout in any aquarium
Triggerfish Their unique patterns and bright colors make them a standout
Wrasses They display a wide range of dazzling colors

Brackish Tropical Fish

This category can include tropical fish species that live in brackish water, a mix of fresh and saltwater, like archerfish and monos.
Name Description
Anableps These fish are known for their tolerance to brackish conditions
Archerfish They are typically found in brackish waters
Barracuda They are often found in brackish water habitats
Batfish These fish are known to inhabit brackish waters
Bumblebee This fish can survive in slightly brackish waters
Cardinalfish They are found in areas with varying salinity levels
Datnoids These fish are known to thrive in slightly brackish water
Dragonets These fish thrive in areas with slight salinity
Flounders They are found in areas with varying salinity
Glassfish These fish can survive in a range of salinities
Gobies This species often dwells in estuaries and mangroves
Halfbeaks They are commonly found in brackish coastal waters
Lionfish They have been spotted in brackish waters
Mollies They are known to tolerate brackish conditions
Monos They are able to endure both fresh and brackish water
Mudskippers These fish are known to inhabit brackish water habitats
Porcupinefish They can adapt to slightly brackish conditions
Puffers These fish often inhabit coastal waters, which are brackish
Rainbowfish This species can withstand slight increases in salinity
Scats These fish are natural inhabitants of brackish waters
Seahorses These fish can adapt to slightly brackish conditions
Sleepers They can live both in freshwater and brackish water
Tarpon They are often found in brackish water habitats
Tilapia These fish can survive in a range of salinities
Toadfish They are frequently found in coastal waters

Saltwater Tropical Fish

This category can encompass all tropical fish species that live in saltwater or marine environments, such as clownfish, angelfish, and butterflyfish.
Name Description
Angelfish With its brightly colored, scaleless body, this fish is a staple of saltwater aquariums
Butterflyfish Characterized by vibrant colors and patterns, this species is typical of warm seas
Clownfish Its ability to survive in warm, salty waters makes it a common saltwater tropical fish
Damselfish This species is known for its adaptability to different sea conditions
Eeltail Bears a unique, elongated body shape, typically found in tropical saltwater habitats
FairyBasslet This species is often spotted in warmer, saltier waters due to its color and size
Goby Its small size and bright colors make it a popular choice for saltwater aquariums
Hawkfish These fish are known for their bright colors and prefer the warm salty waters
Iridescent Named for its shimmering scales, this species is a common sight in tropical saltwater environments
Jawfish This species thrives in warm, salty environments and is recognized by its large mouth and eyes
Killifish Often found in warm, brackish waters, this species is known for its vibrant colors
Lionfish Its distinctive appearance and tolerance for saline waters make it a staple in saltwater aquariums
Mandarinfish Its vibrant coloration and preference for warm, salty environments make it a classic tropical saltwater species
Nudibranch This sea slug's striking colors and patterns make it a unique addition to any saltwater aquarium
Octopus Despite not being a fish, this creature is a common sight in saltwater tanks due to its adaptability
Parrotfish Recognized by their bright colors, this species is a common inhabitant of warm, saline waters
QueenTriggerfish This species is known for its unique appearance and preference for warm, salty environments
Rabbitfish Its hardy nature and vibrant colors make it a popular choice for tropical saltwater aquariums
Seahorse This unique creature is a favorite among aquarists due to its distinctive shape and saltwater habitat
Tang With a preference for warm, salty waters, this brightly colored species is a common sight in tropical aquariums
Urchin This spiny creature can be found in warm, salty waters and adds a unique touch to any aquarium
Viperfish With its long, slender body and sharp teeth, this species is an intriguing addition to saltwater tanks
Wrasse Well-known for their vibrant colors and patterns, these fish thrive in warm, salty environments
Xanthurus A member of the surgeonfish family, this species is known for its adaptability to saltwater conditions
Yellowtail This species is often found in tropical, salty waters and is recognized by its vibrant tail

Freshwater Tropical Fish

This category can include all tropical fish species that thrive in freshwater environments, including popular species like guppies, bettas, and tetras.
Name Description
Angelfish Has a unique shape and often displays a variety of colors and patterns
Arowana Large, surface-dwelling fish known for its jumping ability
Barb Active, schooling species that are often quite colorful
Betta Known for its striking, bright colors and long, flowing tails
Catfish Bottom-dwelling, they help keep the tank clean by eating leftover food
Cichlid Diverse family of fish with a wide range of colors and sizes
Corydoras Small, peaceful fish that enjoy being in groups
Danio Easy to care for and known for their playful nature
Discus Popular due to their distinctive shape and bright patterns
Goldfish Popular for beginners, they are hardy and come in many forms
Gourami Peaceful and comes in a variety of colors
Guppy Famous for their vibrant colors and patterns, they're easy to care for
Killifish Usually brightly colored, they are a favorite among hobbyists
Loach Bottom-dwelling and known for their unique behaviors and patterns
Molly Known for their hardiness and the variety of colors they come in
Neon Vibrant in color and small in size, making them ideal for community aquariums
Oscar Large and intelligent, they can be trained to do tricks
Platy Easy to keep and breed, comes in many color variations
Pleco Noted for their ability to clean tanks by eating algae
Pufferfish Unique in appearance, they can inflate their bodies when threatened
Rainbowfish Active and colorful, they are popular in community tanks
Ram Small, peaceful cichlids that are often brightly colored
Rasbora Active, schooling fish that adds movement to the tank
Swordtail Recognized by the long, sword-like tail of the males
Tetra Small, colorful and loves to live in schools
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